VS Code Shortcuts to Improve Your Productivity

Xander Reynolds
3 min readNov 24, 2020


Shortcuts can save time and increase your productivity. That is, if you know how to use them effectively. I will warn readers in advanced this is for windows users (Sorry to all the Apple lovers out there). So without further delay, here they are.

Duplicate Line above/below

This is useful when you want to duplicate a line above or below the current line. This is especially useful for repetitive items.

Shortcut Combination: Alt +Shift + Up/Down Arrow

Move Line Up/Down

There might be times when you want to move a line above another line. The normal way to do this is to cut the line, move above, past the line, and delete any extra space. The alternative is so convenient.

Shortcut Combination: Alt + Up/Down

Delete Line & Cut a Line

This happens pretty often, you copied to many lines, you created to many, and now you have to delete a line, or two. The shortcut to delete a line is:

Shortcut Combination: Ctrl+Shift+K (Delete Line)

If you want to move the line somewhere else rather than delete, you can cut the whole line with out selecting it.

Shortcut Combination: Ctrl+X (Cut Line)

Delete Previous Word

Ever started typing a word and messed up. Then you have to go back and delete all the letters that were missed. There is a convenient shortcut for deleting the previous word.

Shortcut Combination: Ctrl + Backspace

Select Next Instance of a word

This is one of my favorites. Have you come across a situation you have to change the same word or text over and over? It’s possible to find and replace. The problem is when you find and replace words that should not have changed. This allows you to select the next instance

Shortcut Combination: Ctrl+D

Select Multiple Lines

Another one of my favorites, is to select multiple lines. This is convenient when there are a lot of similar items that need to be changed and they are aligned together.

Shortcut Combination: Ctrl+Alt + Up/Down

Select Another Line

Sometimes you want to modify something similar, but it doesn’t line up. I wasn’t sure if I should mention it, but I thought I’d go ahead and add this one in too.

Shortcut Combination: Alt + Enter + Click



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